Bandspec Raincape
As of 15/4/24, Lyons Bagpipes will be no longer offering Bandspec Raincapes.
We have some sizes left in stock for run-out @ $100 each. Please email for information.
Developed by Mister Antony with assistance from P/M Rob Mathieson, House of Edgar Shotts & Dykehead Pipe Band.
Complete with Carry Pouch
Made from superior quality wrinkle-resistant oxford weave polyester fabric with a matt finish.
100% waterproof guaranteed.
Available in Stock:- Extra Small, Small, Medium, Large & Extra Large
Also available to order only - XX Small & XX Large
Chest Sizes:- XX Small 24" - 28"; X Small 29" - 33"; Small 34" - 38"; Medum 39" - 42"; Large 43" - 47"; X Large 47" - 52"; XX Large 53" - 57"
To Order Now:-
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