Peter Henderson Bagpipes

Peter Henderson Bagpipes now come with a 5 Year Warranty. For details print off the Warranty Details and Warranty Form. Fill out the forms and return to register your bagpipes.

Peter Henderson Bagpipes are a Premium Bagpipe. Each set is hand turned and hand finished to ensure a superb quality product. These are bagpipes to choose when looking for the absolute best.

All Peter Henderson Bagpipes are made from Fully Combed and Beaded African Blackwood and come complete with a Synthetic Zipper Pipe Bag, African Blackwood Solo Pipe Chanter, Velvet or Corduroy Bag Cover with Trim, Silk Cords, Synthetic Drone Reeds and a Chanter Reed.

All sets of Peter Henderson Bagpipes come complete with a Plastic Lined Blowpipe and Blowpipe Stock.

NEW for 2025!

PH1HLC Legacy Bagpipes

Celtic Runic Etched African Blackwood with Celtic Laser Etched Nickel Slides. Imitation Ivory Projecting Mounts, Ferrules & Ringcaps.


NEW for 2024!

PH1HLT Legacy Bagpipes

Combed & Beaded African Blackwood with Laser Etched Thistle Blackwood Slides. Imitation Ivory Projecting Mounts, Ferrules, Slides & Ringcaps.


H-PH1HC Heritage Bagpipes

Celtic Runic etched African Blackwood with Boxwood Projecting Mounts and Engraved Nickel Ferrules, Slides & Ringcaps.


H-PH2HC Heritage Bagpipes

Celtic Runic etched African Blackwood with Boxwood Projecting Mounts and Hand Engraved Hallmarked Sterling Silver Ferrules, Slides & Ringcaps.


H-PH1HT Heritage Bagpipes

Combed & Beaded African Blackwood with Boxwood Projecting Mounts and Engraved Nickel Ferrules, Slides & Ringcaps.


H-PH2HT Heritage Bagpipes

Combed & Beaded African Blackwood with Boxwood Projecting Mounts and Hand Engraved Hallmarked Sterling Silver Ferrules, Slides & Ringcaps.


PH00 Bagpipes

Combed & Beaded African Blackwood with Imitation Ivory Ring Caps, Projecting Mounts, Ferrules and Engraved Nickel Slides.


PH00A Bagpipes

Combed & Beaded African Blackwood with Imitation Ivory Ring Caps, Projecting Mounts, Ferrules and Engraved Antique Nickel Slides.


PH01 Bagpipes

Combed & Beaded African Blackwood with Imitation Ivory Projecting Mounts and Engraved Nickel Ferrules, Slides & Ringcaps.


PH01A Bagpipes

Combed & Beaded African Blackwood with Imitation Ivory Projecting Mounts and Antique Engraved Nickel Ferrules, Slides & Ringcaps.


PH02 Bagpipes

Combed & Beaded African Blackwood with African Blackwood Projecting Mounts and Engraved Nickel Ferrules, Slides & Ringcaps.


PH02A Bagpipes

Combed & Beaded African Blackwood with African Blackwood Projecting Mounts and Antique Engraved Nickel Ferrules, Slides & Ringcaps.


PH03 Bagpipes

Fully Combed & Beaded African Blackwood with Imitation Ivory Projecting Mounts and Plain Silver Ring Caps, Ferrules and Slides.


PH04 Bagpipes

As PH03, only with Blackwood Projecting Mounts


PH05 Bagpipes

Fully Combed & Beaded African Blackwood with Imitation Ivory Projecting Mounts and Chased Engraved Silver Ring Caps, Ferrules and Slides.


PH05H Bagpipes

Fully Combed & Beaded African Blackwood with Imitation Ivory Projecting Mounts and Hand Engraved Ring Caps, Ferrules and Slides.


PH06H Bagpipes

Fully Combed & Beaded African Blackwood with Hand Engraved Silver Projecting Mounts, Ring Caps, Ferrules and Slides.



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