Little Mac Valve & Drone Reed Seat Hand Reamer

This Reamer is a hand-held device to allow pipers to simply ream out the seat of the blowpipe to securely fit the Little Mac Valve or to ream out the Drone Reed Seats to ensure a safe fit for the reed.

The reamer will cut a smooth tapered bore into the bottom of the blowpipe or drone at the same/similar taper as the valve or drone reed. This ensures that the valve or drone reed stays securely in position and doesn't fall into the bag.

To use:- Simply place the T-Bar through the hole and hold the reamer in the hand with the reamer between the middle and ring fingers. Then close the fist to grip. Firstly check to see how far the valve or reed inserts into the blowpipe or drone. Ideally the Little Mac Valve should insert fully into the blowpipe for the best result, but you don't want the bore to end up too big. So, aim for the Little Mac Valve to be sitting out from the end of the blowpipe about 3mm-5mm. With the drone reeds, ensure that the reed fits into the reed seat just allowing the use of minimal hemp to fit the reed securely.

Insert the reamer into the bottom of the blowpipe or drone and gently turn the reamer clockwise until you feel it cutting the bore. Take the reamer out and check to see if there are shavings in the groves of the reamer. Tap the reamer gently so they fall out. Then check the valve or reed fit. Repeat this process enough times until the valve or reed fits perfectly into position. It is important to make sure the bore doesn't end up too big as the valve or reed will fall out easily. The end result should be a snug fit.


Always be ultra careful when using this tool. Once you have removed material from the bore, you cannot put it back.


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